
All posts in kids and pets

Nanotex Moment of the Day


Little people can wreak havoc on your furniture. I know this, I live with two small ones aged five and two. I discovered Nanotex when working for my clients with young families and it quickly became the best design tool in my arsenal. When we bought our new house a year ago, I was able to r I kid you not that marker slid off of my upholstery with a single baby wipe. No scrubbing, no additional water. .. that marker is gone! efresh my personal […]

sharpie meet your match

Kids and markers… if I only had a nickel for every time a client called with a marker meets furniture crisis. Well, I’m right there with you raising a budding artist myself. In a sea of washable paints and crayons, they always seem to find the Sharpie. It must have been a full moon because twice in one week I was discussing what to do when Sharpie stikes your light leather furniture. I must credit my fellow mommy-network for this trick of the trade. When […]


Cat-tastic!   A good number of our clients are cat lovers and have the feline focus front and center when design planning.  Here’s what we’ve learned when working with these captivating companions. While cats can be a potential hazard to most décor, planning ahead can minimize destruction. Cats are so independent and crafty (read: difficult to train) that it is often better to simply decorate around them. Using common sense, and paying attention to their behavior, should help you design a space that looks as […]

nesting guide to nursery design – 10 steps to baby room bliss!

Having designed a gaggle of nurseries in our day, we’ve learned a thing or two about a nursery in the making.  Our handy how-to list of nursery musts prioritizes and simplifies your tiny tot’s new digs. Sharpen your pencil – grab the old tape measure and sketch out the perimeter of your room.  Determine your space and plan what furniture fits where. No need to order a changer that’s too big or a glider that can’t groove – your space plan will dictate room available […]

toddler-proof lighting

With rowdy young ones, lamps can be in jeopardy. Many a playdate have I leapt to save a lamp! Floor lamps hold special appeal for toddlers. Mine in particular looks me straight in the eye while she shakes the lamp like a spindly tree! What is the PC appropriate discipline approach these days? Ack. For a client’s loft-like living room strangely devoid of floor outlets—running cords to the perimeter of the room was a non-option (kind of a safety hazard for all involved)—we developed a […]

pet-friendly posh

Your choice in upholstery fabric is the first line of defense against pet wear and tear. Wet stains and shedding fur can wreak havoc on your living room and beyond. But, you don’t have to live in a constant state of mess if you know the tricks of the trade. All Liz Levin Nesting fabrics are pre- treated with Nano-Tex, making them powerful resistors to daily doses of pet activity. Spill-resistant Nano-Tex features the Releases Stains technology which prevents fabric stain absorption. Easy cleaning and […]